Review Business Plan pricing levels - make option for small businesses to participate
Review Business Plan pricing - as a small business of 50 people and maybe 10 people who would benefit from 360 reviews, a $4K commitment isn't economical.

We find that smaller companies do not usually have the resources to develop a competency framework for their organization. That is why we have developed SelfStir Individual, which provides a complete solution for individuals, teams and small departments, providing them with a professional ready-made leadership competency framework completely free to use for life.
Our business package is designed for easy customization of the competencies and statements, but we need to be diligent that companies do have the resources to develop quality surveys, or else, people can get hurt carrying out the 360 degree feedback.
Saying all this, ultimately we are a company that exists to help others and we are willing to talk with anyone and adjust our prices according to their situation; such as start-ups, NGO’s, organizations in various countries, educational institutions, etc.
Feel free to contact us at any time and we will be happy to talk. Visit us on our company page: to see all our contact details.
We have adjusted our packages to help smaller businesses and consultancies.